I will not force my child or any child to participate in Youth Football. I will assist the Association in teaching my child and others in the league that rules are important and should be followed. I understand that children learn best by example and that I will always attempt to set a good example for my child and any other participating children. I will teach and demonstrate by example the importance of good sportsmanship in victory and in defeat. I will not publicly question the honesty, integrity, or judgment of the coaches or game officials. I understand that verbal and physical abuse is not to be tolerated. Verbal abuse includes swearing, profanity, and foul or demeaning language. I understand that abusive or violent conduct with any child, parent, staff member, fan, referee, or any participating person is prohibited and will not be tolerated. I understand that sexual and vulgar language/conduct is prohibited and will not be tolerated. I understand that language that is considered offensive from a racial, ethnic, religious, or gender perspective is prohibited and will not be tolerated. I understand that sexual harassment of any nature is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
I understand that drinking alcoholic beverages, using illegal substances, or being under the influence of either alcohol or illegal substances at any activity or sanctioned event is prohibited and will not be tolerated. I understand smoking is prohibited at all games, competitions, and practices.
I shall responsibly handle disagreements and shall not engage in divisive or destructive activities such as verbal and physical confrontations; gossip and/or the spreading of rumors. I further accept responsibility for my family members, friends, guests, and/or anyone who accompanies me to any games, practice, or other activity, and shall ensure they exhibit good sportsmanship and comply with this Code of Conduct.